Monday, July 05, 2010

Lost in space

Or maybe just lost in general. So many things to do, so many surfaces to clean. I just don’t know where to start. I think I envisioned a home when all the building was done. Couldn’t wait to get my stuff back in, use the kitchen, place a fresh bouquet of flowers on the tables and be all set.
Of course I knew I had to mob, scrub, wipe and clean but we would be back in business. Instead there’s a house and I need to work it into a home.

We need to get acquainted to the new, incorporate the old and embrace the whole. It will take some time that’s all. Note to self: lower the bar!

I guess I stumbled into a little black hole. No longer keeping track of builders, phone calls to make, making endless to do lists. Don’t be afraid, there’s plenty to do on my list, lots of little and not so little things to complete either by us or by the builders but I find myself stuck on a chair staring into space.

R2-D2 where are you ?

I tried to make pictures today some time ago on a grey day to show you the progress but they’re a bit humhum.

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Boys are shaping chocolate chip cookies.

The new sofa’s in place, the credenza (word I learned and never forget!) is back.

This is our garden set, we’re going to get our dining table and chairs back tomorrow. We still need all light fixtures, so that’s why that one is standing there. Curtains. That too. Art on the walls. Decor in general.


Yay, some decoration going on here! The vintage coffee tins my grandmother gave me, a small box of Camarque salt and the Swedish Chef in place!

I wrote this quite some time ago, since then the situation has changed at least in a visual manner. Our dining table is back, I’ve been using the kitchen but found out I really have to get used to the stoven and oven. In the meantime we have been struck by uncharacteristically warm weather which left us gasping for air in a chair.
Decided to post this anyway. A start is a start right?


  1. Yep! Thanks for the insight into the project - I'd wondered how you were getting along with it, and all the chaos.

  2. Heel mooi geworden en met het raam is het ook goed gekomen zo te zien. Nu de "grote schoonmaak" nog en dan echt gaan genieten. Na al dat werk en afzien moeten jullie daar wel aan toe zijn.Veel plezier met alles. Groetjes Wil V

  3. Ha, heerlijk zo'n verbouwing he? En ook alles wat er daarna nog komt aan werk en onverwachte verrassingen.
    Maar ik begreep uit je posting dat het met de stopcontacten niet helemaal naar trevredenheid is?
    Wij hebben er zat hier - van te voren bedacht welke apparaten ik eventueel aleemaal tegelijk zou willen gebruiken. Gaat nooit gebeuren hoor, maar toch - die vrijheid moet je hebben :-)

  4. Being in the middle of a complete main bath remodel myself, I relate to that dazed, sitting in a chair feeling. So many little details and descisions as well as big ones. Since we had visitors for the 4th of July I put up curtains in the work in progress bathroom because the shower, at least, was finished and usable...but not without some curtains at the windows! People keep telling me that it will be wonderful when done. They are right, but I wanted to be finished days ago. I'm sure you understand. I love all the light you have in your new kitchen! SO glad you are enjoying it.


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