Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas tree + Cats equals

A lot of fun (for cats)! Dolle pret (voor de katten dan....)!

So glad we decided to set our fake tree this year....
Ben zo blij dat we de nepperd uit de schuur hebben gehaald dit jaar.....


  1. Shades of Christmas past!!!
    We had a real tree for one day many years ago, went out and got the artificial the very next day. Still climbed the artificial but didn't mark it. The Joy of kitties.

  2. dat wordt ook plastic ballen aanschaffen vrees ik....

  3. I just hope that the decorations aren't very breakable, and that you've got carpet underneath! I can't think that broken ornaments would be very nice to kitty paws!

  4. I completely feel the pain of your tree getting attacked. I have my own little four legged creature that crawled up in mine a few years ago too.

  5. Hysterical! And a beautiful cat!

  6. hilarisch!!!
    best jammer dat wij geen boom hebben staan.... ik had die twee brekebenen van ons wel bezig willen zien :-)


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