Monday, December 19, 2005

What's this?

Someone walked into my kitchen today and thought it were antlers....another innocent bystander called them christmas tree decorations, in his humble opinion definitely not edible.

Well I've got news for you buddy, you are going to eat them! Let me help you, in the category bread these are breadsticks made of a very dark wholewheat flour (hence the unbaked look) and then cut with a kitchen shears to resemble a shaft of wheat.
And hey presto, this is what you get: in french they are called "Pain Épis" Notice how the french language makes almost anything sound elegant? Even antlers.

Next time I'll make an "ordinary" batch of french baquette dough again like I use to, I promise.


  1. they look like leaves on a branch.

  2. Ik dacht dat jij vandaag netjes ziek in bed zou liggen, ben je weer met Bernd aan het spelen.
    Je blaadjes zien er inderdaad "heel apart" uit, maar jou kennende zullen ze wel lekker zijn. Naast de gebruikelijke rommel, kerstboodschappen en onhandige schooltijden heeft mijn dochter vroegtijdig vakantie i.v.m. griep. Nic

  3. Ha ha, well they DO sort of look like antlers. . . : )

    P.S. The fruit is soaking for my stollen! (didn't seem like enough rum so I added extra. . . : )


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