Friday, June 30, 2017

Round-up BBB June edition: Ka'ak

Despite the summer heat,( which is completely gone now. As I am writing this it is pouring!) we had fun baking this bread and found there was only one Buddy baking! I waited an extra day but alas, not other takers for our Buddy Badge.

The first and (only) to mail me with results was Gilead, who not only made a vegan version but also baked the Ka'ak in this interesting oven (see below). Now I want one too! I really think I need such an oven in my life!

Imagine the kind of pizza's and flatbreads you will make....

Well done Gilead! Thank you for baking with us, you're a real trooper!


  1. O yes Karen I see what you mean... that oven is great!! Love the breads Gilead made!

  2. Bravo, Gilead! And how cool is that oven? (I want one!)

    Once again, what a terrific choice of bread for us to bake this month, Karen. Many thanks again.

  3. Wonderful breads Gilead! Out of a fabulous oven...and yes I'd love one of those as well.


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