Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Looking up (Rome)

In one of the travel guides I read the advice to bring a mirror when planning your trip to Rome. Not to check if your appearance can stand the scrutiny of the high and mighty (impeccably dressed and made up) Roman shopgirls, but to avoid sore neck and shoulder muscles from gazing at ceilings!


  1. So did you? Take a mirror. That would seem like an excellent idea . . . but then you'd always be looking down.

  2. Now that is a good idea! I had never thought of that.

  3. To be honest; I thought it to be a great idea but forgot about it until I almost toppled over backwards..

  4. well I'm a believer in art in its original form. After all you are there to see the real thing, if you look in a mirror you might as well just buy a photobook. But hey that's just silly me.

  5. Now I understand a device I've seen a few times on my photography store's website: it's a 90-degree eyepiece adapter. That way you can take pictures "up" without having to crane your neck all around! I'll add that to my list of things to bring, rather than the mirror. :)

    Wonderful pictures!


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