Sunday, March 23, 2008

I love him

I do love my cat to pieces. And fortunately he loves me back. Or rather my furniture.

To pieces.

I think what he needs is this! In hot pink. Goes so well with his white coat don't you think.


  1. I think the red and pink might be right. Then you'd have some variety.

  2. oOoh, rats! I mean cats! wat erg! Hopelijk niet de allernieuwste bank of erfstuk of lievelingsstoel.... '
    Ik zou regenboogkleuren nemen.. nooit geweten dat zoiets bestond trouwens, zouden ze daar niet mee uit de boom vallen trouwens?!

  3. Well those are different! I don't think my cat would even sit still long enough to have me put them on him. I think I'd have to buy a pack of bandaids for myself.

  4. hey i guess thats why my mom's never let me have a cat for a pet.. boohoo :(

  5. OOOOOOOOO! DAT is echt BALEN! huisdieren zijn leuk en hebben zo hun nukken, maar ze kunnen het ook overdrijven zeg!

    Ik heb al heel wat bankstellen verruineerd zien worden (hamsters, konijnen en katten hebben hun sporen achtergelaten) maar het is toch elke keer weer heel erg slikken als je het ontdekt.

    De vraag die dan opkomt is.. 'en nu?'


  6. I SO sympathise...My beautiful leather briefcase is in shreds, as is the stairway post at my mum and dad's...and the bottom of their carpeted step.

    I am lucky now...Hagia has turned her energies from clawing things to organising them...all paper crumplies belong in shoes, all scatter mats need to be squared against the wall...

    We were offered soft claws, but figured it was just as easy to trim nails...


  7. Oops! It looked like a beautiful chair too... I mean it still has character but.. You just have to think positive, a dog may have done more damage - had that been your choice.

  8. Ik zou die ...kat persoonlijk wollen sokken om z'n poten binden, of kleine bokshandschoenen
    Het fluwelen loeder ; Een hele tuin met struik- ,boom en schutting hebben maar toch jouw stoel uitzoeken !
    Ah , joh..tijd voor een verbouwing en meteen maar nieuw meubilair !

  9. Hahaha - I do feel your pain!

    When I first got my two cats somebody sent me that link... but when I considered that attempting to put them onto the cats would probably end up in me losing an eye... I gave up and accepted that my furniture may never look the same again!


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