Or maybe you refrain of getting to know me at all, after reading the following. Glenna over at A Fridge full of food pointed me at this blogthing. It reads Karin because that is the name my parents gave me and the one I decided to change slightly at the age of 9 discovering there were 4 more Karin's in my classroom.
There's a lot of truth in this (wonder how they do that?) and as usual I nod at the "negative" and wonder at the "positive" failing to recognize positive streaks in li'l ole me. So, what do you think? You've been reading what I wrote, some of you actually met me in my supposedly "type A" personality. (Har! I know at least one of you had me described as snobby/aloof....or was that formal?). They sure got my biggest problem right, accomplish a lot in a too short amount of time and then finishing all these loose ends... Ai!
The rebel thing... I can relate to that (I hate rules -especially when made by others- and can't cope too well with belonging to a group and all of the things that come with it) and I think my husband will laugh his *** off, - and maybe at the same time acknowledge some other mentions as well. A handful? Me?
Anyway be clear in what you comment here, or I will go overboard at interpreting signals! But yes, please do comment!!
I'm off now, finishing some loose ends.. (like the über-enthusiastic plans I had sending Christmas presents out...haven't been send yet.. I'm getting myself in trouble here)
What Karin Means:
There's a lot of truth in this (wonder how they do that?) and as usual I nod at the "negative" and wonder at the "positive" failing to recognize positive streaks in li'l ole me. So, what do you think? You've been reading what I wrote, some of you actually met me in my supposedly "type A" personality. (Har! I know at least one of you had me described as snobby/aloof....or was that formal?). They sure got my biggest problem right, accomplish a lot in a too short amount of time and then finishing all these loose ends... Ai!
The rebel thing... I can relate to that (I hate rules -especially when made by others- and can't cope too well with belonging to a group and all of the things that come with it) and I think my husband will laugh his *** off, - and maybe at the same time acknowledge some other mentions as well. A handful? Me?
Anyway be clear in what you comment here, or I will go overboard at interpreting signals! But yes, please do comment!!
I'm off now, finishing some loose ends.. (like the über-enthusiastic plans I had sending Christmas presents out...haven't been send yet.. I'm getting myself in trouble here)
What Karin Means:
![]() You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. |
All right! Love it! We do have a couple of things in common but you had some more exciting stuff than me.
ReplyDeleteSometimes these things are fun, aren't they?
Well after reading yours, and Glenna's, I decided to look up my own name and LOL! it isn't even close to me! So I'm not going to post mine, even though it says very nice things about "me".
ReplyDeleteDeze is leuk! Ik ga mijn naam ook even checken. 't Is nooit verkeerd jezelf wat beter te leren kennen ;-D
ReplyDeleteSnobby, aloof - no; I do think I said formal but I think that's for new people because there is nothing about formal when you fall to the floor in hysterical laughing! And yes I think I'm happy to be part of just about any 'trouble' you can work up.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think we both have an internal clock that sets the day at about 32 hours causing projects to run over.
Intuitive and wise, absolutely and you don't believe it yet.
Um . . . I'd best go see what is says about me . . .
Heel herkenbaar. Er is maar een probleem. Het zou ook heel goed op mijn zoon kunnen slaan en die heet duidelijk niet Karin...
Altijd grappig te kijken wat er over je wordt gezegd. Het eerste deel klopte bij mij als een bus, het tweede deel helemáál niet. en als ik jou beschrijving dan lees, zie ik dat er letterlijk hele stukken hetzelfde zijn. "Nina neppie" noemen we dat hier. Ik kan je in een heleboel beschrijvingen ook niet echt plaatsen, maar ik ken je natuurlijk ook maar oppervlakkig. Maar aloof... nah, snobby; nah, agressive? no, likely to get into trouble... well not really. Blijf maar gewoon lekker wie je bent, dat lijkt me prima!!
ReplyDeleteOok ik heb natuurlijk even gekeken wat er bij mij uitkomt. Een deel klopt, een ander deel niet.... Ook zag ik een stukje wat bij jou ook staat. Ach ja ......
ReplyDeleteVoor zover ik je ken, klopt een groot deel wel wat er bij jou staat :-).
Ik ga nu gelijk ook maar even checken wat er bij mijn dochter, zoon en echtgenoot uitkomt :-).
I do think this seems a lot like you-at least in your internet manifestation(!)- in that you convey a lot of positive energy, commitment to learning and overall contagious high spirits.
ReplyDeleteI've got to say I never noticed any special formality, though you are polite. I mean that in the sense of being considerate of others' feelings, rather than in the sense of knowing which fork to use at the Queen's dinner party. (For all I know, you do know that sort of thing, but it doesn't come up much, does it?)
I'm going to go see if I agree with them about me!
Nou, zet je maar schrap, want volgens de namen-deeltjesversneller is mijn karakter identiek aan het jouwe. Precies dezelfde text maar in een andere volgorde :-)
ReplyDeleteOverigens herken ik me er nauwelijks in hoor.
That was interestig for sure! We do have similar traits...like the rebel thing. Wait! What do you mean there are only 24 hours in a day?!!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it too funny?
ReplyDeleteObserving that we all are bloggers and operate in a same environment there's bound to be some similarities no? ;D
Tanna, it wasn't you, just hearsay and the word was formal I believe hehe. And so... Lindy I think I might know the right fork to use but probably spoil it all by wearing the "wrong" outfit just to rebel.
Hélène, 24.. and still counting!
Uitgaande van de 4 types die ze hier waarschijnlijk gebruiken lijkt het me niet onmogelijk dat ze random stukjes tekst mixen... aah da's nou jammer! Maar goed, gewoon wel grappig toch?
Thanks for commenting girls!